Download half life 1 cold blood mod

The Trap for your brain. What an awesome mod. This mod has a great sense of presentation, humor, and mystery that will keep you engaged throught out its entire lenght. All of the maps are unique and varied that you won't forget. There is some combat, but the majority of the game will be you spending your time trying to figure out its many puzzles.

It has a very interesting boss battle that I haven't seen in any other mod, which is welcomed. A absolute must play! You are Dr. Gordon Freeman, a brilliant researcher who has always had problems waking up on time Awesome mod. This was packaged in everybody's copy of PC Gamer at one point. For many people this was the first mod they ever played. Its essentially classic Half-Life gameplay in a different scenerio. Zombies can mutate to change their characteristics into three types and every type will have at least six upgrades including using new weapons and abilities.

Play as a headcrab in Black Mesa. Kill people. Eat people. Unfortunately, it's a very short yet enjoyable mod. I decided to add a Co-Op seciton to this list, so grab some friends and get in. If you have no friends, disregard this section. The Uplink chapters were cut during Half-Life's development phase, and roughly fit in prior to or during the Lambda Core chapter, or the "Forget About Freeman!

The maps are not bad at all and one wonders why VALVe cut them from the final game in the first place. Regardless, Uplink was distributed all over the net as a free demo and it was the first taste of Half-Life for many people.

Intrigue, subterfuge, and mystery predominate. An ancient machine tainted with human technology, guarded by a vicious pack of Nihilanthi aliens. There are few answers, but many questions. Will they ever be resolved? The self proclaimed prequel to Minerva , now for all of you to enjoy.

This is a single map mod, but it is one of the most interesting maps I have ever played. Valve was so impressed by Someplace Else and Minerva that they decided to hire the guy who made them.

That's right, Someplace Else was made by someone who is now a Valve employee. Some mods that didn't make the list, but I should still mention. These mods are either notable or unplayable due to bugs. Personally I never thought much of the mod, but I have to admit that it has its following. In SS you move from area to area sadistically slaughtering those egghead scientists with new and admittingly unique arsenal. There are a few puzzles here and there and some optional combat, but the meat of the mod is killing scientists in unique ways.

Its childish, but if its your cup of tea, go for it. There are a number of game breaking bugs that don't allow the player to proceed. I could dust off my WON version of Half- Life and finish it, but there are more mods out there that I could be playing instead.

SHL is however a well liked mod. Its essentially the Half-Life story with a bit of anime flare added, which I feel clashes with the original Half-Life art style.

Regardless, the gameplay is pretty good and there are some really nice set pieces in there. It has a handful of new weapons that are very futuristic and "animey"?. There is also a mysterious anime chick in an HEV suit kicking ace in the facility.

Check it out, if you can. A collection of unrelated mini-mods rolled into one. It starts off with one of the slickest intros I have ever seen in a HL1 mod and then tosses you into a hub world that lets you chose which adventure you wish to play. Some of these are a hit and others are a miss.

Reissues is unfortunately unplayable due to the number of bugs that plague it, Steam and WON version alike. I did actual finish it with the Steam version, but not without constant reloads and some noclipping. You can easily sequence break a number of maps and the some of the triggers don't set off properly.

Reissues is a dirty diamond. Unfortunately the dirt won't come off. If someone were to fix the bugs in this mod, it would easily belong among the proper list. Below are a list of mods that are still under development. These are projects that I am personally excited about and I want to help promote their work. I can't promise that they will actually be good, but they do look promising. So keep an eye on them.

Mod is divided on missions based upon real scenarios, realistic AI behaviour for both enemies and allies, new graphical effects and tactical gameplay.

Survive the disaster as Maurice Andrews, a low level engineer stationed in Black Mesa during the events of the resonance cascade. Seemingly trapped, Andrews must fight his way to the surface to survive. This is just the beginning. The guide is still a work-in-progress. Played echoes, really good mod. Wizuu 20 Oct pm. Signal Lost would be a cool adition here. DJ Wolf 17 Oct am. Tourette 8 Oct am. To be honest, The Challenger Deep 2 is bit bland.

I recommend Reissues. Many others too, actually, but I'd rather not spam. There's also Half-Life Decay. It was a ps2 exclusive but it got ported to pc by modders. DiegoxCueviux 9 Aug am. Where is Black Ops? GlitchMan 29 Jul pm. Fantastic guide, I truly appreciate it! Someone can just re-upload it I'm sure. Would that be any good? Video Audio icon An illustration of an audio speaker. Audio Software icon An illustration of a 3. Software Images icon An illustration of two photographs.

Images Donate icon An illustration of a heart shape Donate Ellipses icon An illustration of text ellipses. Scientist Slaughterhouse v1. EMBED for wordpress. Want more? Advanced embedding details, examples, and help!

Topics "half-life" , "scientist slaughterhouse" , "modification" , "game modification" Language English. First make sure you have the latest version of Half-Life installed 1. The maps use some TFC textures, but I didn't. Start the game with the included shortcut. Alternatively you may select "Scientist Slaughterhouse". All mods on this site are compatible with Steam version of Half-Life, but you can also try your luck with the WON version.

The total playtime of all mods is over hours! You can install the mods by either extracting the archive use free 7-Zip in the Half-Life folder or run the installer. After installation you should make sure to restart Steam , and the mod will appear in the Uncategorized section. I recommend installing this patch first, because most of the mods works great with it. This is the last in the unofficial patch series. It offers many improvements of the rendering engine and bugfixes blue-transparency fix.

You will need. NET Framework 2. All mods playable with 1. Install HD Pack first and then this package. Package contents:.

New ultra definition models weapons and characters New sounds weapons, items and characters New sprites Minor graphic improvements to the HUD. Sort list by: rating descending , name ascending or length descending or size descending « 1 2 3 4 The game takes place in Black Mesa, and you play as an unknown person, which is referred to as Candidate You are one of the many scientists who have applied for the testing of the purest, but highly unstable, crystal from Xen GG , which caused the resonance cascade in HL1 and, consequently, a disaster of epic proportions.

The story is extremely interesting and is revealed to you via events that take place in the complex, video sequences and excellent speech, which is very skillfully cut. In addition to presenting an alternative view of the HL1 incident and linking with its story, the game also tries to explain some other events in the Half-Life series, but I won't spoil it for you ;. The game consists of a rather large introductory part almost 20 minutes long , which familiarizes you with the complex and the background story, and later nicely connects to the events that followed the failed experiment.

The levels are composed mainly of internal parts, which are occasionally connected to external sections, and both of the types are of exceptional quality. We are not just talking about carefully crafted architecture and massive amounts of detail, but also about the sizes of the rooms, which will often blow your mind.

Despite the spaciousness, the rooms don't look dull and empty, as they contain plenty of elements. Your progress through the sections will often be blocked with puzzles that need to be solved before you continue.

The set is not limited to pressing buttons, jumping challenges, moving objects, and guiding NPCs, but it often contains multi-layered problems that can sometimes completely change the appearance of the map, you are residing in. Some of these problems are extremely long and highly complex, and could thus be easily split into a smaller, independent modification. During the game you will also return to certain areas that you have already visited, but are now completely different because they were adjusted to the events in the complex.

I think this was greatly done, and I liked it very much. Even with all these puzzles, the author did not forget to iron out the fights. The first half is devoted to a very varied range of zombies and monsters from Xen, and is later spectacularly expanded by soldiers, female assassins and all the heavy machinery the army has. Due to the good enemy positioning and abundance, you will have to survive several challenging fights, and the action is further amplified by scripted events and ambushes.

Every now and then you will have to fight against boss opponents, and a few times you will also have to stay hidden or even run away. The available weapon set is very strictly regulated, which means that the firearms get gradually unlocked. However, players that like to explore, might find certain weapons much earlier. Although the weapons are taken from the original, they have certain changes that will require some careful examination before charging into battle.

The most prominent changes are the limited barrels on the shotgun and the machine gun, and additionally, the total number of bullets you can carry, was limited.

Since you do not have the H. The amount of goodies and bullets is just right to play the mod on Conventional difficulty, but more cautious players can also try to finish it on Stringent. The game runs on a modified version of Spirit of Half-Life , which helped the author to create an incredible visual appearance.

With the help of a good selection of textures, color schemes, special effects and new models, the game appears almost 10 years younger, and this is just the tip of the iceberg. The highlight of the modification are, in my opinion, the movie-like scripted events with good background music, which are taking place in parallel with your gameplay, and have made me feel like I'm part of the game. An example of them, are the NPCs who perform everyday tasks, chat, give you advice, fight for their lives, run away, etc.

Exceptional appearance occasionally overloads the engine and reduces the number of frames per second, but luckily such moments are very rare. I needed about 3 hours of gameplay to complete this masterpiece. More at RTSL. Invasion begins at the end of the original Half-Life 1 when Gordon Freeman on a train to the unknown has to choose whether to work with G-Man or stay on the train.

He opts for the latter and just before G-Man condemns him to death, a group of scientists succeeds to open a teleporter back to Earth. Gordon escapes, but the situation on Earth is by no means rosy: the alien attackers still control the Black Mesa, while the rest is being purged by soldiers. Scientists ask Gordon to enter the Black Mesa complex again and destroy the teleportation crystals, which should stop the invasion for good. The design of the levels is excellent and diverse, and the enemies are placed very well.

Advance is often not obvious and is quite frequently blocked with security codes which you enter via mouse control. They are given to you by NPCs and sometimes you also read them from notebooks or computers. Sometimes you will also have to hide from cameras or snipers, and there are also some time-limited events in which you will have to put your jumping skills to the test.

In addition to classic man to man battles, you will also spend a part of the game driving a tank, and shooting with the machinegun or canon. In addition to soldiers from the original, you will also encounter snipers and soldiers with rocket launchers. Both of them are extremely dangerous opponents. Fortunately, you have a very varied arsenal, which contains a whole lot of new weapons. You will, for example, find a gun with a thermo sensor that will allow you to detect enemies through the walls, and a sniper rifle with the possibility of zooming.

The rocket launcher has received projectiles that damage enemies through the walls, and you will be also able to launch nuclear projectiles to blow up obstacles. An additional special feature is that you do not have a flashlight, but a lighter with unfortunately a very narrow band of luminosity.

Despite the often dark fights, you will not be helpless, as opponents have built-in flashlights which can be targeted. There are relatively few healing and battery stations, but the specialty of the game is that you can carry batteries and healing packages in your inventory and use them when an emergency appears. The graphics elements of the game are fully reskinned, you will also be able to listen to custom music.

The game also includes French speakers, but fortunately English subtitles are included. As far as the graphics are concerned, abundant breakable materials were definitely a eye catcher. This way, soldiers are able to shoot through walls or windows well, you can too , and with the tank you can do some massive destruction :.

The atmosphere of the game is also enriched by scripted events. Difficulty is very high, so I recommend playing on Easy , where you'll spend about 5 hours of gameplay. Now you can! Better yet, all models have their original animations preserved.

A good selection of character models are included, such as: leak barney! Half-Life Alpha Pack. Created by Geist. Features : -Infinite ammo like in Alpha, obviously. Created by Captain Charles. Half-Life Dreamcast Playermodels.

Half-Life PS2 Playermodels. Created by Boo. Half-Life: Blue Shift Playermodels. Created by QuickNinjaCat. Half-Life: Source Playermodels. Half-Life: Source Ragdolled Models. Created by vandenbosmartijn.


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