Varisia birthplace of legends pdf download
Varisia, Birthplace of Legends presents a player-focused overview of the land, people, magic, and mysteries of the region of Varisia, one of the best-loved and most explored frontiers of the Pathfinder campaign setting. Wesley Schneider. August 9, Wesley Schneider Works by Amber E. Sutter Works by Jerome Virnich. Hidden categories: Articles with first-edition content Uses Book template. Sutter , and Jerome Virnich. Paizo Publishing, LLC. Nick: Varisia — Wiege der Legenden.
Size: Nick: PDF Version. Nick: Print edition. Description Edit History. Publisher's blurb: Never has a land needed heroes more than Varisia. More Information Edit History. Category: Language:. No Files Found. Linked Items. Wayfinder Issue 5 - Jun Details about Varisian carnivals, including costs for some carnival equipment. Game Weight: 0. Tags separate by space :. User Information. Add a copy to your collection Record information Record a play.
Varisia, Birthplace of Legends Average Rating: 7. Browse 3 Images » wrong image? Wesley Schneider Amber E. Scott Tork Shaw James L. Paizo Publishing Ulisses Spiele. Year: Soft Cover. Product Code: US ISBN Quisque vulputate facilisis magna sed vestibulum. This list also includes 3. For other d20 titles, see my DnD Library. Pathfinder Combat Pad. Pathfinder Goblins 4 minis Pathfinder Pawns. Arena Waterfront Tavern Woodlands. Kobold Quarterly 13 Spring Pathfinder Dice.