The trade lifecycle robert baker pdf free download

Home Page The following will become links to examination questions and answers. Practice exams are Do not pull the exam apart. Each student must turn in the entire exam stapled The final exam is not cumulative, but requires understanding of the Then click 'Next Question' to answer Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools.

Elicit the answers. Tell students to discuss the question in pairs and then report back. Insist on the use of the correct tense. With the whole class, get some examples from two or three pairs and write them up on the board, getting students to explain the tenses they use. Tell students that they are going to work on the language of managing or chairing meetings.

Ask them about their experiences of successful and unsuccessful meetings. Be tactful, especially if managers and the people who work under them are present in the same class!

Tell them that the giveaway in each case is the expression that they are used with: In and Since respectively. It's true that in American English the past simple can be used with yet, as in Did you eat yet?

Play the recording two or three times and get students either to note down the answers or to call them out orally.

Then play the recording again once or twice and get students to tick the expressions that they hear. The purpose of this meeting is How do you feel about? What do you think? Could you let [Mitsuko] finish, please?

I think we should move on now. To sum up, then Work on pronunciation and intonation of key expressions. Explain that students will be using the language of managing meetings to discuss the problems faced by the managers of a chain of clothing stores.

Put students into threes or fours and get them to discuss the problems. If there is not much time, allocate just a couple of problems to each group. Note down strong points and points that need correction or improvement, especially in relation to the language used to manage meetings. When students have discussed the items, bring the class to order. Ask some of the groups to say briefly what their group decided in relation to the issues.

Then praise the strong points that you heard and work on points that need correction or improvement, getting individual students to say the correct thing. Write up key points in your 'permanent' list at the side of the board. Students role-play managers from both companies who discuss the problems and propose solutions. Asia Entertainment AE seems to be a suitable company for Decker to buy because it's strong in the areas that Decker wants to develop. However, there may be a clash between Australian and Chinese ways of doing things.

Interview with Scott Henderson. Play the recording a couple of times and get students to express Scott Henderson's ideas in their own words. Reasons for Decker's acquisition The acquisition will benefit the group and boost earnings, although not immediately. Additional costs will be incurred at the beginning, but nothing's been decided about staff cuts. In the long term, they aim to expand the TV channels and import Australian films.

He doesn't foresee ongoing problems with the ' cultural differences. You could get individual students to come up to the board and complete different sections of the table, in note form where appropriate. O n ly use common abbreviations like mgt. High staff turnover and low morale at AE. It will use Asia Entertainment so that it can enter and grow in other Asian markets such as Singapore, Malaysia and Vietnam.

People at AE have to apply again ' for the jobs they already have - bad feeling between people, don't want to compete against each other. People there looking for new jobs. Not good for morale and performance. Relate the word to present - Decker is present in particular markets.

English All staff to i mprove their English. No financial assistance. Get students to 'develop' the comment section, in their own words. Scanned for Agus Suwanto UNIT 3. Informal atmosphere, but we're not used to that.

Food in restaurant too Western. Most of the mgt jobs have gone to Australians, not many Chinese in senior posts- unfair. Bad communications - no clear job descriptions or lines of responsibility. Loss of Chinese identity- new managers only interested in results.

Work on any remaining difficulties. Each group prepares separately for the meeting, going over the problems and thinking of solutions. Each group should make notes about what they are going to say at the meeting. Go round and assist where necessary. When the groups have prepared, get the two sides together. The student playing Scott Henderson should chair the meeting.

Another student should take notes about the discussion. Tell students they should use as much meetings language as possible. Tell the groups to start their meetings. Go round the class and note down strong points and points that need correction or improvement. Make sure that the chair is including everyone in the discussion. Ask the note-taker in each group to report on what happened in their group and what they decided about each point. Praise some of the good language points that you heard, and work on half a dozen others that need improvement, getting individual students to say the correct thing.

If there is time and interest, have a general class discussion about the issues. You could talk about the cultural and practical issues involved when a company is taken over by an overseas company. Point out that this sort of merger often fails, sometimes for the reasons your students have discussed in the case study. Work on the background to bring out the key points in the tables. Get the student to prepare one of the roles in Group A or Group B.

You take the other. Run the task. Monitor the language that you both use. After the activity, underline some of the key meetings language that you chose to use and that your student used correctly, and work on five or six points from what they said that needs improving. If there is time and interest, do the role play again, swapping roles.

Ask your student to pay particular attention to the corrections you made. You can also refer to the Case study commentary section of the DVD-ROM, where students can watch an interview with a consultant discussing the key issues raised by the case study. One-to-one Writing Get your students to write the action minutes from the meeting about l SD words. Students could do this for homework or in pairs in class. Make sure students understand these should be action minutes, not just minutes.

See the Business brief on page 64 of this Teacher's Resource Book for some key cultural issues. Make sure that every group member is participating actively. Get a student from each group to say what their 'findings' were. Be tactful - students may well say that all of these things are difficult. Get a student from each group to say what their rankings were and what else came o u t of the discussion. For example, they may say that there is a limit to the number of times one can ask Are you saying.

If necessary, explain and practise the pronunciation of exhausting and turbulent. Do this as a quick-fire whole-class activity. Students might suggest talking about which companies they come from, how they travelled to the conference, the speakers at the conference, the hotels they are staying in, etc.

You could introduce the idea of 'small talk' - things that are easy to talk about, often in order to get to know people better. It might be interesting to ask students if they think that the weather is a worthy subject of conversation in this context!

Scanned for Agus Suwanto. With the whole class, elicit the answers. Play the recording, stopping at convenient points so that students can note the missing words. Put students into groups of four. Get them to imagine that they are sitting round a table in a conference hotel bar or restaurant. Get them to talk to one of the other members of the group one-to-one and then, after a few minutes, get them to change, so they talk to a different person one-to-one.

Go round the class to assist if necessary. Monitor the language being used but monitor also the cultural 'appropriateness' of the subjects that students are talking about. Ask some of the students what they found they had in common, if anything, with each of the two people that they spoke to.

Praise five or six good language points that you heard. Then work on some language points that need correction or improvement. However, pay as much attention to issues of cult ural appropriateness as to language - perhaps you heard things that might not have been appropriate at this 'small talk' stage of people getting to know each other.

Exercise H a Nancy b Ludmila c James Exercise I David Broadus: has written a lot of books on information systems; a very stimulating speaker; obviously knowledgable about his topic Jerry Chin: expert on management software; shouldn't be missed Task G o Go through the task with the whole class and make sure they understand it.

Get each student to choose a role, without saying what it is. It doesn't matter if two students in the same group have the same job- it might end up being one of the things they find they have in common!

Links with those units are clearly shown. You can point out these links to your students. Present simple and present continuous. Students get further practice in the use of these two tenses. This exercise recycles the vocabulary used for taking part in meetings. Students get more practice of the language used to make arrangements over the telephone.

I How's your business doing? I 2 What do you do? I What's your job? Have you seen I visited any of the city yet? Did you have any problems I difficulty finding the conference centre? Where are you staying? I Which hotel are you staying at? What's your room like? Are there any talks you particularly want to go to? I Which speakers are you interested in? Vocabulary: Company structure Students learn key vocabulary used in talking about companies and the ways they are organised.

Language review: Noun combinations Students look at this key language feature and develop their knowledge through a variety of exercises. Practice File Language review page Listening: Analysing company organisation Students listen to a management consultant who advises companies on how they should be organised. Resource bank: Speaking page 1 Case study: InStep's relocation Students make a decision about a company considering the relocation of its offices from the capital to a small town.

For a fast route through the unit focusing mainly on speaking skills, just use the underlined sections. But the questions about what motivates people in work are basically the same everywhere. The first question that self-employed people get asked is how they find the self-discipline to work alone and motivate themselves when there is no one telling them what to do.

Some companies are also looking for this: job advertisements often talk about the need for recruits to be self-starters. Some organisations like advertising agencies want to find ways of motivating their people to be ever more productive and creative. Employees and their managers in this type of organisation are relatively autonomous - they aren't given exact procedures on how to meet objectives.

You do not want too much creativity when cashiers are counting banknotes! These tend to be organisations with centralised culture s - exact procedures that must be followed are imposed from above. In organisations of all kinds, the tendency is towards relatively flat structures, with only a few levels of hierarchy - this way, the senior management is relatively close to people dealing with clients.

The current buzzword is flexibility. This has a number of related meanings. One type of flexibility has existed for some time in the form of flexitime or flextime, where people can choose when they work, within certain limits. Then there is flexible working with some staff hot-desking, particularly those who are homeworking, teleworking or telecommuting and only need to come into the office occasionally.

The number of teleworkers is rising rapidly, thanks partly to the decreasing cost and increasing availability of fast broadband Internet connections and mobile Internet. A third type of flexibility is where employees are recruited on short contracts to work on specific projects, maybe part time.

Perhaps the organisation only has a core staff and outsources or contracts out work to external people or companies as and when required. Some management experts say that this is the future, with self-employment as the norm and portfolio workers who have a number of different clients.

Organisation and your students In-work students by definition work in organisations. You obviously have to be tactful when you ask your students what type of organisation it is in terms of creativity, following procedures, etc. You can ask pre-work students to look at their institution in similar terms: how much student autonomy is there? Is creativity encouraged? How much time are students expected to spend on the premises?

Ask them also what sort of organisation they would like to work for - one where creativity is encouraged or one where there are well-established procedures. Read on D. Students learn key vocabulary used in talking about companies and the ways they are organised. Ask them to brainstorm as many different examples of types not just size of organisation that they can think of.

A subsidiary is a company that is owned in whole or in part by another company, the parent company. Get students to discuss and do the matching exercise. The idea is to make students aware of the variety of organisations that exist. Go through the overview section at the beginning of the unit, pointing out the sections that students will be looking at.

Explain constructive if necessary and ask students if they can think of any examples of constructive conflict they have known. Stop during and after each comment at appropriate points to allow students time to write down what they hear.

Play the recording once more if necessary. Students may suggest these things and others. If students come from more than one organisation, compare and contrast them. Get students to discuss and allocate scores.

Again, be tactful about the status symbols in their organisations. Get students to suggest answers, again as a quick-fire whole-class activity. Get students to read the first paragraph. Explain, if necessary, that 15 pounds is about 7 kilos.

Get students to answer the question. Ask students about an organisation they know for example, their company or institution. How is it organised? What departments does it have? Explain any difficulties, but don't give the answers away. Play the recording again.

Stop after each speaker and get students to say which department the speaker works in. Get students to read the rest of the article in pairs. With the whole class, go over expressions that have caused particular difficulty. Then get students to suggest answers. Get individual students to repeat the words. I 4 caring- a! The ostensible answers as to good and bad qualities are given above, but your students may point out that the answer is sometimes It depends.

For example, most of us prefer our banks to be reasonably conservative, for example by not lending to people who can't repay, discouraging new-fangled practices in counting cash, etc. Invite students to add any other words which describe organisations they know.

Learning and development programme With the whole class, get students to call out the answers. One hundred per cent of Go ogle Italy workers thought it was a friendly place to work. There is no mention of the qualifications needed to work there. With the whole class, get students to look at the items in the context of the article. Work on pronunciation and stress, e. Get students to call out the answers. Scanned for Agus Suwanto : ;: Get students to discuss the questions in pairs.

After a few minutes, get pairs to report on their findings and discuss with the whole class. Be tactful. For question 2, most students will probably say not, if only for cost reasons. It is important to get students to say why each approach would or wouldn't work.

Work on any remaining difficulties of vocabulary or pronunciation. Go through the information in the panel and bring students' attention to the information on page in the grammar reference section. Tell students to look at this for homework. Get students to call out the answers to the matching exercise. Get different groups of pairs to work on the four different compound types: allocate a type to each pair.

With the whole class, ask students for answers. Get students to call out the most likely combinations in Exercise B.

Tell them that there are no rules - the best thing is to learn each combination as a whole. For Exercise C, write up the answers on the board, clearly pointing out the absence of plural -s.

Exercise B l b 2a 3a 4c Put students into pairs. Explain the task then go round the room helping where necessary. Check the answers with the whole class. For example, Is a business idea useful by itself? Tell them that in some cases, they will need to use the plural form of the compound - make sure they get these right. Do the others in a similar way. When you think students have got the idea, tell them to do the activity in pairs. Go round the room and help. In this exercise, students may need quite a lot of assistance, as thinking up sentences from scratch is difficult.

With the whole class, get students from different pairs to call out possible answers and write the best two or three on the board. Listening: Analysing company organisation Students listen to a management consultant who advises companies on how they should be organised.

UNIT 4 a Tell students that they are going to hear a management consultant talk about the advice that he gives to companies on how to change, and get them to read the questions Play the recording two or three times. Skills: Socialising: introductions and networking Students look at the language of networking and have the chance to apply it themselves.

At this point, if you have experienced managers in your class, ask them if they agree with what the consultant has just said in relation to how decisions are taken in their own organisation s. Treat this tactfully, of course. For homework and if appropriate, you could ask students to look at the website mentioned: www. Don't forget to follow up on this in the next lesson if you ask them to do it.

If there is time and interest, put students into pairs and get them to discuss this question. Otherwise do as a quick-fire whole-class activity. The important thing is to get students to give their reasons. Treat responses tactfully, as there may be some strong feelings about this. Play the second conversation again and elicit the answers. Play the recording with the whole class and ask students to call out the answers.

Tell students they are going to look at some of the language associated with networking and socialising. This is a very frequent student request, so you should have no trouble 'selling' it to them. Get students to call out the answers and then explain any difficulties, for example outsourcing - when a company buys in supplies of goods or services that it previously produced in-house.

Play the recording once or twice and get individual students to answer the questions. Write the answers on the board, with students telling you exactly what to write. She speaks fluent Spanish, so could help him deal with South American customers. Student B is attending with a junior colleague Student A. Student D is attending the conference for the first time and doesn't know anyone.

When groups are ready, get them to begin the role play. At this point, students remain seated. Go round and monitor language, noting strong points and those that need improvement, especially in relation to networking language. Mention some of the good points in the language you heard and work on half a dozen points that need improvement. Get one or two groups to repeat their 'performances', this time standing up in front of the class as if they were really at a conference.

Go through the expressions in the Useful language box, telling students that you will 'test' them orally on it in the next lesson.

Don't forget to do this next time. Get students to read through the background silently. Students listen to the recording once or twice, noting key points. Then, in pairs, get them to compare notes with their partner. Tell the Student As that they will be chairing the meeting, a noting the views of the different participants, b giving their own views, c asking participants to make a recommendation, and d noting down what it is.

They should ensure that everyone participates by inviting their contributions where necessary. Ask the chair of each group to report on what happened in their group and the recommendation that they made. Obviously Students B and C, as managers of the Paris subsidiary, already know each other. Praise some o f the good language points that you heard and work on half a dozen others that need improvement, getting individual students to say the correct thing. Encourage students to talk about their own experiences of life and work in bigger and smaller places, being tactful, as ever.

Bring the class to order, praise good points and point out language that still needs work, getting individual students to say the right thing. Make sure that the Student As are including everyone in the discussion. Get the student to look at and express in their own words the information in the message from the Vice-President. Then choose the role of the Vice-President and one other-your student should then take the role of the VP and you take the other for the initial social English session and then the main decision-making discussion.

After the activity, underline some of the key discussion language that you chose to use and some that your student used correctly and work on five or six points from what they said that need improving.

If there is time and interest, do the role play again. Monitor and correct as above. Writing Get your students to write an e-mail summarising the discussion and making a recommendation about the relocation.

Vocabulary: Advertising media and methods Students look at some advertising-related vocabulary and use it in context. Practice File Vocabulary page 20 Reading: A new kind of campaign Students read about an attention-grabbing advertising technique. Text bank pages 13Q listening: How advertising works An advertising executive talks about what is involved in preparing a campaign and gives a n example of a memorable campaign.

Resource bank: listening page Language review: Articles Students look at the places where articles are used and, just as important, where they are not. Resource bank: Speaking page Case study: Alpha Advertising Students prepare and deliver presentations on d ifferent advertising campaigns. Shared references feed into it, and it in turn feeds into daily life: advertising catchphrases turn up in TV comedy sketches and everyday conversation. And we become 'ironic' about advertising, perhaps to show that we think are able to resist it.

TV advertising is still glamorous, even if its heyday is over, what with the proliferation of channels and the saturation of the markets at least in advanced economies of the consumer goods it normally promotes. But the other media are not to be ignored - radio, cinema and the press - while hoardings BrE or billboards Am E are an integral part of the urban landscape.

All these will be around for some time. Internet advertising expenditure is on the increase. Some people find banner and pop-up advertisements have become a major source of irritation, but others find them a useful source of information. Debate about the relationship between Internet advertising and search engines such as Google is intensifying.

Advertising can be continued by other means, such as sponsorship of particular events or product placement in films. This is where the product's makers negotiate for their products to appear and be used by the film's characters. A related phenomenon is product endorsement, where a celebrity is used in advertising a particular product. This can be dangerous if, for whatever reason, the celebrity falls from favour. Some very creative minds come up with seductive combinations of sound, image and words, but tests show that we often don't remember the brand being advertised.

Quantifying the effect of advertising is very difficult, and there has been a backlash against it in favour of other, supposedly more targeted, forms of communication. This usually means direct marketing, otherwise known as direct mail, but, as those living in apartments who receive mailshots for gardening products know, the targeting can still be ludicrously imprecise.

Advertising agencies may offer to run direct-mail campaigns, but what they are best at is creating advertising campaigns.

When a client becomes dissatisfied and the agency loses the account, this is major news in the advertising industry and means a big loss of revenue and self-esteem for the agency.

Agencies develop a creative brief for clients, with proposals on the ideas to be used in the campaign. One key problem is reaching the right target audience for example, young women between 28 and 30 , so the selection of media the right TV channels, magazines, etc.

And the advertising must fit into the company's overall marketing strategy - its plans on how it will compete and succeed in particular markets. All these activities, all this expenditure. But the ultimate in advertising is word of mouth: friends and colleagues are often our most reliable sources of information. This form of advertising is usually free. All the advertiser can do is hope that it is positive.

Advertising and your students Pre-work and in-work students should have no trouble relating to advertising, as its willing or unwilling consumers! They will also be able to talk about the place of advertising in their industry or one they would like to work in. Work on increasing students' vocabulary with words such as striking, powerful, colourful, etc. Don't let them just say that the advertisements are good or bad.

This will also help them when they come to Exercise G in the next section. Then underline the stressed syllables. Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English or a bilingual one to find out about these words and then tell the class about them.

You could give each student or pair one or two words. However, don't anticipate the Vocabulary section of the Course Book too much. For example, they should discover that commercial is a noun used to talk about ads on TV and radio and also that it is an adjective relating to commerce, etc. This will help them with the basic vocabulary of advertising and also help them distinguish words e. Get students to call out other possibilities - e.

Get them to go through the expressions in the list, assigning the labels, perhaps using a monolingual or bilingual dictionary. Tell them to leave any that they don't understand. Explain any difficulties and work on pronunciation and stress where necessary, e. Bern bach was behind the 'We try harder' campaign for Avis car rental and 'Think small' for VW - the latter of which students will see mentioned later in the unit in Language review Exercise C - among many others. Bernbach was active in the heyday of American advertising in the s.

You could ask students if they have seen Mad Men, a fictional TV series that recreates that era. Be tactful to both those with an arts background and those with a scientific education! G o round the room and help where necessary. Exercise B 1 To tackle the problem of viewers tuning out of traditional television advertising. Exercise D 2 Because it was a live event. Work on any remaining difficulties of meaning or pronunciation. Do Exercise F as whole-class discussion, getting students to use advertising-related vocabulary correctly.

Refer back to the words you encouraged students to use in the Starting up section. Work on stress, e. Put students into pairs again. Allocate three or four discussion points to each pair. Get members of each pair to report on their findings. Exercise E 1 free samples 2 slogans 3 endorsement Exercise D 1e Reading: A new kind of campaign Students read about an attention-grabbing advertising technique.

Get students to look through the three possible headlines. Work on the reasons for this. Go round the class to monitor language and ideas. Don't explain every unfamiliar word at this point - get students to focus on the answers to the key questions. Ensure that students correctly pronounce words like brief and creative when giving the answers. An advertising executive talks about what makes a good campaign and how to plan one and gives an example of a recent successful campaign.

Get students to read the question and then play the recording once or twice. Obviously they will already have some ideas about the answers but, in any case, prepare them by telling them they will hear three main reasons, with three examples of the last reason. If they haven't noticed it already, point out the link between viral and virus, so that they understand better the idea of something that spreads spontaneously.

First ask students if they know the Ronaldinho cam paign and what they think of it. Then get them to talk about other campaigns. Alternatively, get them to find some viral campaigns on YouTube and report on them in the next lesson. Play the recording a couple of times, stopping at key points, explaining any difficulties and then, with the whole class, get students to identify the reasons and examples one by one.

Language review: Articles Students look at the places where articles are used and, just as important, where they are not. G Get students to look through the commentary and the examples in the panel. Why should be this publication? This is exactly how guide will certainly be referred. It is truly supplied to get over the knowledge and inspirations from guide.

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THX sound, digital filmmaking, Pixar, and tons of other developments that came from one man's wish to make movies the way he wanted to, to make them good, and to not be beholden to "The Hollywood Machine".

Somewhat similarly written in the same style as the book about Steve Jobs, this book pulls few punches. It is honest and enlightening to any true fan of all of the franchises Lucas built and that we all love. As a casual fan of Star Wars, I was more intrigued by Lucas' nearly single handed ability to wrestle control of filmmaking and all that entails from the studios. A classic David and Goliath metaphor for the ages.

Thank you Mr. Jones for a thoroughly enjoyable read and Mr Lucas for your inspiring life. I just couldn't get into in an stopped reading a few chapters in. The incredible long chapters kindle estimated 40 minutes for some really didn't help either. The book itself is good but I think George Lucas is amazing. It was in very good read into the history of the very complicated man. I like the way it started in the beginning and finished current information. So many fun facts and details.

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Currently, you need just prepare little time to obtain and download the soft data of this publication. Yeah, guide that we offer in this online website is all in soft data styles.

So, you will certainly not feel challenging to bring big publication everywhere. Drive profit and manage risk with expert guidance on trade processing. The Trade Lifecycle catalogues and details the various types of trades, including the inherent cashflows and risk exposures of each.

Now in its second edition, this comprehensive guide includes major new coverage of traded products, credit valuation adjustment, regulation, and the role of information technology. You will become familiar with the full extent of legal, operational, liquidity, credit, and market risks to which it is exposed.

Case studies of real projects cover topics like FX exotics, commodity counterparty risk, equity settlement, bond management, and global derivatives initiatives, while the companion website features additional video training on specific topics to help you build a strong background in this fundamental aspect of finance.

Trade processing and settlement combined with control of risk has been thrust into the limelight with the recent near collapse of the global financial market. This book provides thorough, practical guidance toward processing the trade, and the risks and rewards it entails. Every person working in a bank is highly connected to the lifecycle of a trade. It is the glue by which all departments are bound, and the aggregated success or failure of each trade determines the entire organization's survival.

The Trade Lifecycle explains the fundamentals of trade processing and gives you the knowledge you need to further your success in the market. From the Inside Flap "Robert Baker demystifies the modern world of finance. Using straightforward language, this book explains the basics of why people trade, descibes financial products and what they mean to the man on the street. Read this book to understand exposure, risk and all aspects of the trade lifecycle.

Highly recommended for anyone about to embark on a career in banking. You will see behind the scenes where researchers, traders, analysts, accountants, sales staff, IT workers all interact to keep the wheels of this extraordinary industry turning. This book provides a clear walkthrough of the trading lifecycle and, along the way, sheds light on terms and jargon. Through Baker's experience, readers are afforded a sound understanding of the 'what' and the 'why' behind each stage of the process.

Highly accessible, this book is 'recommended reading' for those seeking an informative, and enjoyable, introduction to the subject. Step by step, Robert Baker divides a trade into its component parts and tracks it from pre-conception to maturity.

The text examines how the trade affects each of the business functions of a financial institution. As well as illustrating each part of the trade process, the author highlights the legal, operational, liquidity, credit, and market risks to which the trade is exposed. The Trade Lifecycle contains a clear understanding of all parts of the trade process, including derivative and credit derivative trades. The book examines trading in general, as well as trading related to the financial services industry and includes the risk factors associated with trading.

The author offers an in-depth review of specific trades and examines the cash flows associated with each. Information is included on the often misunderstood asset classes and derivative products and reviews the three important aspects of trading — liquidity, price, and leverage.

The Trade Lifecycle explores the anatomy of the trade that is the core element of the lifecycle and offers an analysis of the lifecycle in detail. Baker explains the four methods of direct monitoring of trades throughout their lifetime — risk management, market risk control, counterparty risk control, and accounting. He also includes a vivid discussion of profit and loss attribution followed by a full desciption of the business functions in the lifecycle.

Based on the author's real-life experiences, The Trade Lifecycle offers a rare behind-the-scenes look at what happens on the trading floor and includes insight into the real world of capital markets. Revised and updated, the second edition includes thoughts on the problems caused by Information Technology and offers possible solutions. The new and stricter macro and micro regulations that affect investment banks and other financial institutions are also discussed.

This second edition offers an explanation on the difference between asset classes and financial products. It also contains an explanation of the quantitative analyst. Comprehensive and practical, The Trade Lifecycle offers a one-stop resource for understanding the lifecycle of a trade. About the Author Robert Baker London, UK works as a consultant in the development of financial software and in training.


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