STALKER download torrent

It's a hugely interesting game to play. Later on, I walk over the crest of a hill and come across the corpses of ten dead dogs piled in a heap. After a moment of "WTF? When was the last time that happened in Generic Corridor Shooter X? Never, I tell ye. French journalists puking in the aisle of the coach, unidentified meat substances, hookers and dancing girls: when you're invited on a trip to the Ukraine to see the latest build of STALKER, it's not just radiation that you have to worry about.

And so, after a day wandering around the run-down buildings of eerie Pripyat the now-deserted town that housed most of Chernobyl's workers while trying not to disturb the patina of radioactive dust that coats everything, we were at last treated to some hands-on play, back in GSC's less-contaminated offices.

Visually, STALKER is still a looker, and although it's not the jaw-dropper that it was two years ago, the blasted landscape littered with decrepit husks of buildings and deserted vehicles still provides a spookily atmospheric setting. To start, we investigated a mini-town set in the middle of the zone where stalkers congregate to seek lodging, find work, trade and bet on the arena. Dead animals littered the entrance way, shot by a bunch of stalkers guarding the entrance.

A stroll around town revealed other groups of stalkers, each wearing their own distinctive outfits, converged around fires in ramshackle buildings, patrolling the complex and frequenting the bar, while an elite group hung out in their own private camp within the grounds. Another level saw us infiltrating the streets of Pripyat along with an allied group of stalkers.

As the team advanced down the deserted streets, enemy soldiers opened fire from windows, rooftops and sidestreets. The few ground troops used cover to their advantage, hiding behind vehicles only to pop out and take shots at anyone venturing into the open. A few anomalous areas were visible, sending up strange sparks as a visual warning, while the fully-modelled buildings enabled a spot of stealthy sneaking through the ruined interiors to get closer to my destination.

The last scene saw a settlement of allied stalkers calling for help after being attacked by the military. Arriving on the scene and taking out any soldiers via heavy use of any cover, I came across one guy cowering in a stairwell, who led me to an underground entrance. After descending into the darkness, I was confronted with tense close-quarters combat, some green-glowing anomalous zones and after a bit of exploring, one of the now famous, and also pretty tough, tentacle-mouthed mutants.

But over the years, many features have been dropped, the Al's been scaled back and the levels that we played through appeared to be disappointingly scripted, although how much this applies to the whole game is still unclear. The massive selection of weaponry was also fiddly, and trying to sort out the correct ammo often proved my downfall in the midst of a firefight. While STALKER may yet prove itself to be a unique and impressive addition to the FPS genre, the fact we still haven't got to play through any freeform content one of the game's most touted features is a bit worrying.

Here's A Good analogy. It may look much like the one you're used to, but that won't stop you turning off a roundabout every now and then with your windscreen wipers going and your boot swinging open in your desperate attempts to find the indicators. From one angle it's defiantly and brilliantly different, and from another it's wilfully obtuse and reluctant to inform you exactly how to dip the headlights.

I've been exploring the exclusion zone for several days now and have thoroughly enjoyed myself - more so than I have done in quite a while in fact - but before we enter the main body of the review, I need you to be aware of one vital piece of information.

Sitting comfortably? If you choose to buy STALKER, you need to be aware that this is not a supersilky Hollywood production - there are rough edges and it's not tied up with a pink frilly bow.

Despite this, despite the epic wait and despite the amount of scissoring that's obviously gone on, we've still ended up with an excellent shooter. With that in mind, let's delve deeper. It begins with you, a token FPS amnesiac, waking up knowing only that you want a chap called Strelok dead. You're not just anywhere either - you're in a living, breathing representation of the forbidden zone that lies around the more infamous reactor at Chernobyl.

A trader who lives in a hole asks you to do some odd jobs for him, including tracking down a few people, and everything progresses from there. First stop is a village full of guttural men, and then you're out into the wastes.

The game isn't endlessly free-roaming a la Oblivion, but instead is divided into ten or so separate levels with loading zones in between. The general direction of travel is north, as the storyline urges you further and further towards the Chernobyl reactor, and leads you on a merry dance through underground laboratories, undead Stalker-infested swamps and many and varied army bunkers.

As you move from map to map there'll normally be things kicking off that you can help out with too - defending a barricade from a rival faction's onslaught perhaps, or protecting a warehouse full of friendly Stalkers from the military.

Finally, if you can't be arsed with the scripted stuff, certain missions ask you to do semi-random stuff like clearing out warehouses and mutant nests or seeking out rare radioactive artefacts that, rather than rendering you sterile and making your hair fall out, offer a variety of RPG-lite upgrades.

All around you, meanwhile, is what developers GSC Game World call A-Life' - a landscape teeming with packs of creatures and humans who roam and behave according to their own whims whims that generally involve killing each other or maybe running away. Low-powered weapons and general insecurity about exactly what you're supposed to be doing plague your opening hours, but after a little while you realise that the action is very much a blend of Far Cry and Deus Ex.

The inventory system and 'any which way you can' mentality of JC Denton merges with the unpredictable, sniper-centric and really bloody difficult stylings of Jack Carver, making for sonic excellent action that gives yon moments of extreme self-congratulation as you pull off swift headshots hither and thither.

The need to salvage bullets and med-packs from your deceased foes' backpacks, meanwhile, adds a subdued survival element that's completely lacking in most modern-day mainstream shooters. The setting too, is brilliantly weird and stunning in its design. From the ominous click of your Geiger counter, to absurdly stunted and warped trees with radioactive fuzz hanging from their branches, to an otherworldly yellow bleaching effect that consumes your screen in heavily radiated areas - you've honestly never seen anything quite like it.

The game world is without a doubt the best thing about the game, and is hands-down my favourite shooter environment since the original Half-Life. Just make sure you're packing a fair amount of RAM - I'd say more than the recommended 1GB myself, since load times are a bugbear.

OK, so, ten hours into the game, I'm creeping towards a downed helicopter in a sickly forest - not because the story wants me to. I'm surrounded by a fine radioactive mist, and as I rummage around in my inventory for an anti-radiation injection, I see a blur of movement on the periphery of my monitor - something running between the trees, apparently circling me.

Alerted, I worriedly look around and see another skinless dog dashing through the trees parallel to my path. I leg it to a nearby rock, hoping to escape to higher ground, but get savaged from behind before I get halfway there -and killed.

As the Game Over' motif swims into view I notice one of the dogs dragging my corpse further into the woodland. Now that, my friend, is extremely cool. Such moments of brilliance, however, come with a price. Learning the way the world works, meanwhile, is largely a matter of trial and error, since beyond basic textual introductions to jumping, touching and avoiding anomalies, you're pretty much left to your own devices from square one.

Indeed, I only realised had alternate firing modes about a day or two into reviewing the game. But as you sit there smouldering, with no idea what to do, you can't help but think it's the game's obtuse structure that's left you in such a confusing situation.

Especially considering that no-one has actually explained what a fire anomaly is or indeed that invisible flying fire-mutants exist. What this does provide in spades, however, is a supreme element of surprise. You never know quite what's going to ' happen - you may return to a border crossing and find a rival Stalker faction fending off a pack of dogs, you may find it vacant, you may find it occupied by your friends.

Better still, if you're tasked with defending an NPC and they die, the game simply rolls on without them - the lack of a Game Over screen being nothing but a good thing even if this docs result in stick-thin characterisation, more on which later.

What's more, this feeling of unpredictability extends to the scripted moments too - there's always a sense of anticipation as you discover a fresh mutant, bear witness to another bold move of artistic direction or have the tables turned on you in the pit of an underground reactor. Combat too is very good - whether you're deep in corridor-iana or out on the wider vistas of the surface.

I'm not saying individual grunt Al is spectacular, but they certainly don't disappoint either. During earlier parts of the game it's sometimes difficult to perceive whether or not your bullets are connecting, but the satisfaction grows alongside your firepower.

As such, the introduction of bullet-absorbing Stalker zombies may be a bum note, but the monster menagerie is otherwise on key, dripfeeding glowing nasties into the game at a measured rate rather than going for outright overkill. Overall, there's no doubt that the combat and the whole game gets more and more satisfying the longer yon play.

I struggle to think of the last time I played a game with a meatier arsenal than this -it might even be as far back as Far Cry. The necessity of ammo-juggling makes every bullet count, and when that bullet strikes cranial matter, both yon and the ragdoll system know it straight away. Extremely satisfying stuff. The hero sees around a rainbow, "pink" world, but in reality - the Marked One has gone blind. The fifth is immortality. The protagonist turns into a statue. The artificial intelligence and graphics engine of the game is based on the X-Ray Engine.

The graphics look amazing, and the mutants and NPCs - playable characters - behave almost like real people. There are enough weapons in the game that can be upgraded, but there are a lot of improvement items, but not everything can be carried in your inventory - there is not enough space.

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