Recount mod downloads
A Flamescale Wyrmkin. Alright, a good chunk of this has been rewritten, using a different - better method of achieving the same look, without having to mess with the size of the window, or bar locations. It's also been tweaked so it plays nicer with Recount's options, including accent color and font changes. Let me know if you run into any issues. Originally Posted by Tonyleila. Well, that's embarrassing!
I went through and checked the names again, and this time actually disabled addontweaker before testing, and it appears to be working correctly. So I uploaded a new version. The font is still in there, so you'll have to delete that again.
Last edited by Tonyleila : at AM. Thanks for Uploading, its not working because you renamed the addon in the last place, the pathes in the lua file all link to "AddonTweaker" instead of "RecountTweaker". But them I linked the font to my own directory and removed yours now its 27kb. Sorting Sort comments by Newest Sort comments by Oldest. Report this File. Comment Options. HealBot can show incoming heals and absord affects.
HealBot has a SmartCast out of combat option, to auto heal, buff, debuff or res. Skada Damage Meter. Skada is a modular damage meter with various viewing modes, segmented fights and customizable windows. It aims to be highly efficient with memory and CPU.
How to Use: Whe…. GatherMate is an addon to collect and track herbs, mines, fishing pools, gas clouds and displays them on the world map and the mini map. GatherMate will remember the loca…. Bagnon is a highly customizable bag replacement addon designed to help the player find items as quickly and as easily as possible. God yes. If anyone knows of an answer please shout it from the rooftops! Originally Posted by and. Hello, Does anyone know whether is it possible to disable the healing over time in the combat log?
It is too much spam for me Many thanks! Hello and thx for great addon! Can you add optional second stat bar? Sry my mistake. Hidden Blades de-slotted. Originally Posted by dpszone. Recount summs up the DPS incorrectly since about 12 hours. Maybe a minor ESO fix which has caused the bug or the addon itself is buggy. I'm absolutely sure I did k DPS when logging off this morning.
Came back online in the evening and DPS don't exceed all the time. I'm kinda worried. Dioscuri, you can change fonts from settings menu thank you for the hint. Originally Posted by Sp00sty. Originally Posted by Dioscuri. For those of you that wish the font size of the combat log was bigger I found out a way to edit it so it's readable. I'm hoping that this will also make it readable for people with a higher resolution than p. I haven't tested it as that's my max resolution.
Originally Posted by nekura. Is there anyway to change the color of different damage types? I'm looking for Oblivion damage shield breaker like Combat Log Statistics has.
Sorting Sort comments by Newest Sort comments by Oldest. Report this File. Wolfhunter 4.