Download linked file

My work around is to download to default directory and drag files to folders where I need them, but this is a lot of extra work for something that should work as defined. Posted on Jan 16, PM. Page content loaded. Jan 16, PM. Thanks for input but that KB simply suggests removing the extension editing from file name that was added which I should not have to do. As far of the suggestion on opening safe files, I do not want to open immediately.

I want to download multiple files associated for the class, then open in related application at later date. Interesting thing is does NOT add this extension if I simply save to the default directory only when I use the save as to different directory. I'm having the exact same problem, Pete. Upgraded from OS Never had a problem with the old one, but now it's driving me crazy.

You're right - the old article is no help and unchecking "Open safes files Still, I'd rather use Safari HMTL file. It is very frustrating as I do not want to have to instal an entirely different browser simply to be able to go through my class downloads, and download each file to the specific week's reading folder.

Feb 21, AM. Feb 21, AM in response to nka88 In response to nka I can only downlaod files to my "Downloads" folder if I want the file.

If I use "Download as It doesn't make sense to have to go back and sort through all the downloads, rename them, copy them to a mounted sik image and then go back and delete the original.

I am downloading bank statements and for security as well as simplicity, I would like to be able to say exactly where they should go. I would even be willing to slog through changing the names afterwards if i could just get them to the right place to begin with. Apr 4, AM. Apr 4, AM in response to awejr In response to awejr. The only solution I have found which I consider rather ridiculous but I have resorted to using Google Chrome, as the save file as feature works from there.

What is so hard about downloading all files to the Desktop, then moving them to the destination folder you want and, if required, renaming them along the way? Apr 4, AM in response to nka88 In response to nka I used Firefox and if the time and date stamps are accurate, I had all 19 files downloaded into place and named properly before you had a chance to respond.

Why do things slower and less efficient when the means to do it better exist, and are simply failing due to programming bugs. I want to directly download certain files to specific folders, where I know what folder it goes into when I get it from the page; the files are not labeled. For personal, family, and business reasons I frequently download between , depending on the month, PDF files that I name according to a pattern based on names, dates and accounts.

Using Firefox, I would "Save link as Using Safari, I would have to download each file to the downloads folder, rename it, copy it to the appropriate place and then go back and scrub the folder to properly erase the file I don't want on my hard drive. They each have to be done seperately because they come with coded alphanumeric file names that are unrelated to their content like "AFG-CC Is that a crisis? No, but it adds enough time and effort to qualify as wasteful. Surely, if Firefox can make this simple, Safari can too.

I could be wrong, but I don't think this is rocket surgery. That is good advice and I have done that. I was hoping that since the problem seemed so obvious and because I doubted that I was very unusual, that I would receive, as I have in the past, a quick and elegant solution by asking the question in these forums.

They have produced amazing results for me in the past. Sadly, it looks like this is the one time I wont have my problem solved almost instantly. Apr 4, PM. Apr 4, PM in response to awejr In response to awejr. Thank you. See Optimize storage space on your Mac. If Safari is still downloading the item, wait for it to finish.

If the download is paused, resume it. Show the downloads list by clicking the Show Downloads button , then click the Resume button for the paused download. Make sure you have the app needed to open the file. If you do, the file may have been corrupted during the download.

Delete it, then try downloading it again. In the Safari app on your Mac, click the Show Downloads button near the top-right corner of the Safari window. Pause a download: Click the Stop button to the right of the filename in the downloads list. To resume, click the Resume button. Find a downloaded item on your Mac: Click the magnifying glass next to the filename in the downloads list.

Clear the downloads list: In the downloads list, click Clear.


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